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Greens Declare Liberal Plan Weak on Gambling

After Liberal leader Ted Baillieu has vowed to cut the number of poker machines in Victoria from 27,500 to 22,000, Greens Gambling policy spokesperson Greg Barber raised his camp's feedback, saying the Libs plan is not bound to create an impact, after all.

"I can confidently say that the Liberals' policy will not cut the losses," said Barber. He furthers, "If you go into a pokie venue, you'll notice a bunch of machines with nobody playing them. Taking out a few machines - or a few thousand - won't turn around the skyrocketing losses."

"The only way to cut poker machine losses is to slash machine numbers, reduce spin rates and get rid of ATMs from venues," said Barber.

According to Barber, the Greens will exert efforts to roll back the number of electronic gaming machines to a maximum of 10,000 as contracts expire, by 2012 across the state.

The Greens will also eliminate all poker machines from'convenience gambling' spots, as contracts expire, by 2012. Poker machines will subsequently be relocated to'destination gambling' areas.

In addition, the Greens will remove ATMs from all gambling venues except in country towns with no other accessible ATM and ensure EFTPOS facilities at venues do not permit cash withdrawals.

Finally, Greens will secure that cap winnings payable by machine is set at $100, and winnings payable by a cashier at $250.

Barber argues that the Libs' proposal holds no strength against the Greens stand.


September 18, 2006
John Tucker

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