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Eight Card Stud Poker

Eight Card Stud Overview

Eight Card Stud is played exactly like Seven Card Stud, except that since seven players require 56 cards, and a deck only has 52 cards, it can only be played with up to six players. In some cases, it is played with more players and multiple decks, but using multiple decks makes the game more complex.

Eight Card Stud Rules

Before the deal, each player places a small sum of money, known as the ante, in the pot. The dealer then gives each player three cards. The first two are given face down, and the third is given face up. The player with the lowest upcard is required to open the betting with a bring-in bet. Betting continues clockwise. Players may choose to call the current bet, raise the bet, or fold. A player who folds does not get any more cards and does not have any stake in the pot.

When the betting is completed, the dealer gives each player another card face-up. This is followed by a round of betting.

A fifth card is given to each player, face-up. There is another round of betting.

A sixth card is given to each player, face-up. This is followed by another round of betting.

A seventh and eighth card are dealt to each player, facedown. There is a final round of betting, followed by the showdown. Each player forms the best possible hand of five cards from their eight cards. The best poker hand wins.

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