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720° holdem Download Tool


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Category:Poker Statistics Analyzer/Tracker

Description: 720°Hold'em, an excellent Poker Statistics Analyzer/Tracker, advises online poker Hold'em players by providing them with real-time tracking software and information, teaching what to do and why to do it.

Poker Tool Features And Details

Graphics: Outstanding. Simple but incredibly effective. Gives you all the information and statistics you need without being too cluttered.
Features: 720°Hold'em is more than a basic odds calculator or statistics analyzer. Its sophisticated intelligence is able to prompt you and suggest what to do regarding betting. The real-time tracking and information is a real plus.
Gameplay/Usabilty/Interface: One of the best there is. Easy to understand and navigate.
ld Lasting Appeal/Lasting Value: High. 720°Hold'em is an excellent complement to your game and will continue to add new aspects to the game you never knew. .
Online Service: There is a detailed FAQ section, as well as a help section.
Cost: Free. 720°Hold'em is no longer for sale so it can be downloaded for no cost.
Overall Review: 720°Hold'em would be a welcome addition to anyone’s poker game. Not only will it tell you what to do and when to do it, but more importantly why to do it. The insights and advice it gives you will help you develop and grow as a poker player.
Publisher: Bjornekul Software
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