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Poker Statistics Analyzer/Tracker

A Poker Statistics Analyzer/Tracker is a poker tool that will take your poker game to new heights, by extensively analyzing the way you and your opponents play.

With a Poker Statistics Analyzer/Tracker, the following information is at your fingertips:

  • Tracking of your games by position, session, tournament and hand results
  • Live personalized statistics of your own play and that of your opponents
  • An inclusive database of hands and hand histories
  • Various detailed forms of analysis, such as advanced graphs, charts and statistics reports
  • Replay of hands, sessions, games and tournaments
  • A place to keep notes on your opponents
  • Bankroll management so you can keep track of your financial state and how you reached it

Keeping track and analyzing your poker sessions is absolutely crucial to success in poker games. The Poker Statistics Analyzer/Tracker offers you the opportunity to do just that - go over your poker session, discover your flaws and learn how to fix them. It will help you monitor your progress and find gaming patterns so that you can bet smarter and discover your strengths and weaknesses, as well as those of your opponents. With all the Poker Statistics Analyzer/Tracker has to offer, those who utilize it will surely see a dramatic improvement in their poker games.

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