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Poker team articles 27

Poker Businesses Lend an Ear to charities

Many online poker casinos and land based poker clubs have attempted in the past few years to become more involved in the community, and have been allotting a part of their earning to local charities. However, far too often these casinos have been giving the charities money only in the wake of disasters and in times of need. However, recently, an online poker site went up that means to change the rules, Indeed it means to change the rules about a lot of things.

In fact, what is becoming more and more apparent is that there is about to be a great revolution in the way people think of gambling in general and poker in particular. Long seen as the great enemy; rife with low morals, drugs and crime, more and more online poker casinos seek to remove that view that people have of them. Indeed, no longer will poker only come to the rescue when something like Hurricane Katrina occurs, but also inner city children, the poor and homeless everywhere. It can be surmised that this is done not only out of the goodness of their hearts, but also to gain a sense of legitimacy in the ever growing controversy and battle against online poker and gambling.

Written By Maxell Zephyrs 19.09.05. Editor.

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