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Darrell Dicken Fails to Bluff Effectively at the Doyle Brunson Five Diamond World Poker Classic

Bluffing in poker is literally convincing your opponents in a game that you hold a certain good hand and you have to do everything in your power to make your opponents believe that you have a good hand. Darrell Dicken was not able to do this effectively and it cost him big time.

At the WPT's $15,000 buy-in cost Doyle Brunson Five Diamond World Poker Classic held at the Bellagio Casino at the Las Vegas Strip On May 2nd, 2008, Dicken receive a seven-five off suit. With the blinds at $100 -$200, a conservative player raised around $600. Dicken said that he think the player probably has two aces or kings and if he was able to achieve a big flop, he can bust that player with an offsuit of seven-five. Dicken said that he does not really care about a lot of people re-raising because he has $60,000 in total chips.

He can afford to lose $600 for an opportunity to win $40,000 and get the stack of his opponent. Then the large blind also called in the game, so around 3 players obtained a flop of two jacks and a queen. Dicken said that he had thought that this is a good board to take down the pot. The large blind then checked. Dicken wagered $2,000. The large blind check raised to $4,000. The original raiser in the game decided to fold.

The big blind in the game checked again. Dicken wagered $7,500, which was 3/4 of the cash pot. The river came with ten of diamonds. The large blind called with an ace-jack offsuit of clubs and hearts and acquired the pot. Dicken said that he tried to present a good hand but he failed on the river.

He added that he should have wagered $30,000 because the large blind will call anything in the game unless he decides to move all-in. He had failed to do that, resulting in his loss.


June 02, 2008
Pauline Davis

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