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Count Your Diamonds

Count Your Diamonds Overview

Count Your Diamonds is a variant of Seven Card Stud, which is played the same as Seven Card Stud, except that there is a split pot and the player with the highest value of diamonds wins half of the pot. The game is suitable for 3-7 players.

Count Your Diamonds Poker Rules

Players ante up, placing the initial betting sum in the pot before the deal. The dealer gives each player three cards. The first two are dealt facedown, while the third is dealt face-up. Beginning with the player to the dealer’s left, there is a round of betting. Going clockwise around the table, players choose whether they want to call, matching the current bet; raise, adding a larger bet to the pot and forcing opponents to match the bet or drop out; or fold, quitting the game and relinquishing rights to the pot.

Cards four through six are dealt one at a time face-up, each followed by a betting round. Card number seven is dealt facedown, and there is a final betting round. This is followed by the showdown. Each player reveals all of his cards. The player with the best five-card poker hand wins half of the pot.

All players add the value of their cards that are diamonds. The number cards are worth the number on their face. Jacks are worth 11, queens 12, kings 13, and aces are worth 14. The player who has the highest value of diamonds wins the second half of the pot. If it is the same player who won the first half, it is called scooping the pot.

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